Pest Control Blog

Trents Football Team

This is the first year my 9 yr old, Trent, has played football.  When we got recruited to play this year, Trent had no idea even what a football was. I’ll never forget the first practice he had in pads and his first hit.  Him and this other kid collided and both went down.  Trent […]

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Termite Pretreat

I’m starting a new termite pretreat project this week.  There is an apartment complex being built in Houston.  I was awarded the opportunity to do the pretreat on it.  It’s a process but here are the beginning pictures. I’ll keep every one posted on the progress

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A New Tick Disease

I came across an article Sunday morning that may have some concerns for my customers.  Yes reading pest control articles is what I do on Sunday mornings.   It was about the existence of a new type of disease found on the deer tick.  The disease is called Borrelia Miyamotoi.  It’s a lot like lyme disease

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Ants v. Swarmers

I was at a new customers building the other day and noticed something interesting.  The following video which I labeled Ants v. Termites is short, but it shows where termite swarmers emerged from an expansion joint in the same place some ants were hanging out.  The ant is a natural enemy of the termite.  Not

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Bird Spikes

At McGrath Pest Control we have seen and done a lot of different types of jobs.  Of course things like alligator trapping and coyote trapping are a few things I’ll let Billy the Exterminator deal with.  Not me.  Just recently, though, we have had a few pigeon calls to our office.  A new customer called

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Happy New Year

As the year comes to an end, I like to reflect on how the past year impacted McGrath Pest Control.  In the 39 years that we have been in business this has been one of the best ever.  I’m so lucky and blessed to have such a good staff and and even better customers.  We

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Random Work Pictures

I wanted to post a few random pictures I took last week while working.  There is a new business that kept having ants in and around their building.  I couldn’t find the source till now. I sprayed behind the trim and boom I hit the jackpot.  Their problem was solved not too long after that. 

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Drywood Termites

Probably about 20 years ago a swarm of drywood termites made their way into the Heights part of town.  Since then almost every time we get a termite call from someone living in that part of town, I’m almost assured that it’s going to be drywood termites.  Well now, I’m seeing them spread west into

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