Pest Control Blog

Pest Prevention

Treating for bugs alone doesn’t always solve your problem. At times pest prevention is the best method. A good rule of thumb is the more you can seal up the better. Tin flashing and a tube of caulk works wonders sometimes. I challenge all my customers to look under their sinks or around their windows […]

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A New Adventure

As most of everyone knows I started a new adventure in my business.  I started advertising on a few sports talk radio stations here in Houston.  For the most part they have worked out great and have gotten my business name in front of a lot of new customers.  Well now I figured I would

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What’s Old is New Again

At the end of last year I had an employee meeting.  We talked about the year in review, praised some for their accomplishments, and expressed my enthusiasm about the upcoming year.  Similar to what I do every year.  I’m very optimistic that way.  I believe the next year will be our best and busiest.   This

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New Termite Swarmers Videos

Well it’s March 21, 2014.  Happy birthday Deven!!! and it’s officially termite swarming season.   I went to a business today and actually saw the swarmers starting to emerge and fly out.  To us pest control people it’s pretty cool.  To everyone else it’s probably kinda gross. Here are a few termite swarmers videos that I

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Rodent Exclusion Work

I wanted to post some more pictures of some of the work that we do during the winter times.  As the temps get cooler, the varmints like to come inside.  It is our job find any entry points and seal them up.  This will insure no more pitter padder in the upstairs attic area. Here

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