Pest Control

Pest Prevention

Treating for bugs alone doesn’t always solve your problem. At times pest prevention is the best method. A good rule of thumb is the more you can seal up the better. Tin flashing and a tube of caulk works wonders sometimes. I challenge all my customers to look under their sinks or around their windows

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New Termite Swarmers Videos

Well it’s March 21, 2014.  Happy birthday Deven!!! and it’s officially termite swarming season.   I went to a business today and actually saw the swarmers starting to emerge and fly out.  To us pest control people it’s pretty cool.  To everyone else it’s probably kinda gross. Here are a few termite swarmers videos that I

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Termite Pretreat

I’m starting a new termite pretreat project this week.  There is an apartment complex being built in Houston.  I was awarded the opportunity to do the pretreat on it.  It’s a process but here are the beginning pictures. I’ll keep every one posted on the progress

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A New Tick Disease

I came across an article Sunday morning that may have some concerns for my customers.  Yes reading pest control articles is what I do on Sunday mornings.   It was about the existence of a new type of disease found on the deer tick.  The disease is called Borrelia Miyamotoi.  It’s a lot like lyme disease

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